Hello and welcome to my Monthly Income Report for December! This is my 5th monthly income report for my Lifebe.com.au blog! Here are the links to previous income posts:

Monthly Income Report – November 2020
Monthly Income Report – October 2020
Monthly Income Report – September 2020
Monthly Income Report – August 2020

Let’s hit this….

I’ve now got 31 posts on this blog. With 8 produced in December. Definitely happy with this improvement, I had only done 3 in all of November and really I want to continue with 2 or 3 a week.

This monthly income report will include not just income from this blog, but income from my blogging efforts… this includes my content on PeakD.comCinnamon.video and Coil.com

I won’t be including the web-monetization from Coil and Cinnamon because it consists of hundreds of transactions… it’s honestly not much, a couple of dollars a month.

Income for December

+ $300 Cinnamon Boost

Looks like I made the Top 10 in November for Cinnamon.video… which is awesome. It’s exactly what I was aiming for and thrilled that I got there.

This arrived on the 17th of December. The Cinnamon Boost payout dates have been extremely consistent. It’s still not easy to tell how many videos I published in November, but I mentioned in my Monthly Income Report for November that I had stepped up my video production.

I did quiet down in the last couple of weeks of December, so we’ll see what effect that has next week.

This is my Cinnamon channel:


+ $847.95 Coil Boost

We got a little more information on the Coil boost this month, otherwise I’d be more confused than ever.

In October I had written 3 posts and received $364.51, In September 2 posts amounting to $254.01, 5 for August ($626.16) and 4 for July ($316.36).

Since I had written 2 posts in November, I was expecting to get something in the $200-$300 zone, but got way more than that… BUT…

Coil Boost Program has finished

Coil is ending the Boost program and is instead starting up the Affiliate program. To help us transition, they’ll continue the boost payouts until the end of April, but it’ll be based on the average of October and November.

I think they might have pumped up my November payout to help me with my average, maybe because I used to produce so many highly viewed posts for them… so I think I can expect a $600 payout for the next 4 months as long as I provide 2 posts each month.

After that it’ll be based entirely on how many paying subscribers use my affiliate link (https://coil.com/?ref=AussieNinja1241). I’m now especially glad I created my own blog… I think it will be much easier to find new people interested in a Coil subscription independently than if I was posting only to Coil.

I know I won’t be hitting the same numbers as I was with the boost, but I always knew that was way too good to be true. It was an amazing gift that I’ve now paid forward with my own web-monetization projects.

Costs for December

– $14 Fathom Analytics

My Fathom trial period is over and since I don’t have any active referrals yet (click here if you’re interested) then I’m now paying full price for the service. It’s a really great service and I’m really happy with it. It’s so good not to be giving Google absolutely about my visitors.

Results for December

Income Total – $1147.95

Expenses Total – $14

Profit Total – $1133.95

This is double what I earned last month and I’m sure my highest ever… it’s amazing but I’m going to have to put way more effort into this blog to get anywhere near this in future…

I also earned 312.33 HIVE for my posts and investments in the Hive ecosystem… which is worth about $34. I didn’t put it in my income tally because I’m keeping all my Hive on the blockchain. It’s not true revenue.

Analytics for December

I don’t have the traffic yet for any advertisements or anything, not yet anyway, here are my analytics for December:


Definite improvement on every other month so far, but still lots of work to be done to get traffic to my blog.

I’m socialising my posts on Pinterest and Imgur.


Obviously with more posts I’ve had more to advertise on Pinterest… and have tried to be a little more involved in that platform. It’s potentially the best place to socialise blog posts.

Affiliate Links

Now that the Coil/Cinnamon Boost programs are over, affiliate links are going to have to be the life blood of my blog. I’ve added all my various product links to each post on my blog. I haven’t had any bites yet, but hopefully as I drive more traffic to this blog I’ll have a bit more success.

Thanks so much for reading my Monthly Income Report for December.
Please hit me up on Twitter if you have any questions!


Please note : The above post may contain affiliate links.

Below are some product referral links that I love and will benefit us both if you’re interested.

Splinterlands – A super fun blockchain card game that I play almost every day.

Fathom Analytics – Cookie notices no longer needed since Fathom doesn’t track data. You can see this site’s analytics right here.

Coil – A $5 USD monthly subscription fee provides you access to a ton of content and sites in a way that fairly rewards the creators of that content.

Exxp – The WordPress App to link your blog to the Hive blockchain.

NomadTask – Earn for completing online tasks like following accounts or completing reviews.

MINT Club – Create your own Smart Media Tokens with no coding required.

GALA Games – Gala is creating a whole platform of blockchain games. Definitely excited about Mirandus, Townstar and SpiderTanks.

MCO – Use my referral link https://crypto.com/app/9h9jnlxun9 to sign up for Crypto.com and we both get $25 USD.

Aptera – Get 30% off the reserve price for this incredible electric vehicle. (My post)