Hello hello! So you might remember on my blog post last week about making a new change to my workouts. I honestly thought it was going to be a small addition, but it pretty much wiped me
Oregon coast Hello hello! This last week was a huge improvement on my training for week one. If I can continue to incrementally increase my ninja warrior training efforts, I'll definitely get
Hello hello! So, I'm not restarting my training or anything... but I thought it might be wise to adjust the goalposts a little. My previous goal was to create an application video for
A terrible start to training... we can only go up from here! The last two weeks have been a horribly distracting mess of adulting, and my training has gone nothing like what I had
Training for Ninja Warrior... time to get started! Hi everyone! So a few days ago I noticed that Australian Ninja Warrior is open for casting which is extremely exciting. I'm in a fortunate