Welcome to this Sam versus Cina – a photographic adventure post!
Hello everyone!
So, I don’t want to give you all that I only ever photographed people fighting, really, I didn’t… it’s just, ah, I like blogging about photos of people pretend-fighting…
In the creative fields, it’s almost impossible not to make deep, lasting friendships. Early on in my photographic journey, I met Cina… and I’m so glad I did, because…
Portrait photography is hard.
Not only do you have to work with the technicalities of the camera, and all the lighting elements, but you have to manage the people element as well. The make up artists, the models and the stylists… and it’s a lot to manage when you’re starting out. You have to make every decision on every aspect and try to accommodate everyone’s needs… everyone wants something slightly different out of each shoot.
Cina was incredibly patient, extremely enthusiastic and ridiculously supportive. Every time I worked with her, it was amazing, and we’d often shoot idea concepts to try out just for fun. This is immensely important as it removes the pressure to have something amazing at the end of the shoot (this pressure often forces you to be safe and spend time on things you know will work instead of experimenting).
One of the concepts I wanted to try out was a shoot where the models were actively working against each other. Cina was instantly up for it, and extremely enthusiastic. I also found Sam (who has stopped modeling now and moved to New York) who was a similar size and height to Cina, and a brand new and incredible friendship formed right before my eyes.
I’ve never seen two people click like these two girls, they loved each other instantly and so this photoshoot was an absolute blast. They were both absolute professionals, who could hold their pose while I was shooting, and then collapse in giggles.
This was the final image. Cina in pink, Sam in black.
Shots in the collage
The brief, as I mentioned, was that the models hated each other and were trying to ruin the other’s photoshoot.
The make up artist Jordanna and I were just in awe of the magic we were witnessing watching these two models, who had never met before, work together. Each pose and each shot was magic.
I also took some shots of them individually while each was getting their makeup done.
Individual shots
This is Sam…
This is Cina…
I might actually write a whole post about Cina… she was hugely instrumental in my development as a photographer…
Thanks for reading this little Sam versus Cina – a photographic adventure post.
If you have any comments or questions, please reach out to me on Twitter.
Photos taken by me with a Canon 1D and 100mm portrait lens in my home studio.
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Aptera – Get 30% off the reserve price for this incredible electric vehicle. (My post)
Wowowooooooooooo!!! Simply OUTSTANDING!!! ππππππ
Hahaha, you are always the most supportive!