Welcome to my little Photography – Marilla shoot post!
Hi everyone!
I used to work as a photographer as a bit of a side hustle a couple of years ago. I loved the creativity and working with creative people. It was very different from my day job that was mostly grey screens and spreadsheets.
I would normally do a single photographic session a week while my partner was at band rehearsal. I had set up my garage as a small studio. It really is amazing what you can produce with a number of lights and a paper background.
I wanted to give an example of what a normal portfolio shoot that I’d do as my photographic bread and butter…
I’m actually not super, super thrilled with all the overexposed areas in a lot of these photos… but let’s ignore that for the moment and concentrated on the range of shots we’d try and capture in an hour and a half shoot.
Black and White:
Marilla was immensely patient and didn’t balk at the idea of climbing over fences. The goal was to create as many useful shots for her modelling portfolio within the time we had. We managed to get 4 looks in. Marilla did all the styling and I did the makeup and photography.
The final look was lingerie…
That’s it… those were the 4 looks. We knocked this out in a couple of hours and really didn’t break the bank to produce.
If you’d like to see a couple of my other photography posts:
Photography – Gioia in B&W
Sam versus Cina – a photographic adventure
Photographic brief – Daily life…
Thanks so much for reading this little Photography – Marilla shoot post… and if you’d like to talk about the photographies, please hit me up on Twitter.
———————– Sources: All photos in this post were taken by me on a Canon 1D ———————–
Please note : The above post may contain affiliate links.
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Splinterlands – A super fun blockchain card game that I play almost every day.
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Coil – A $5 USD monthly subscription fee provides you access to a ton of content and sites in a way that fairly rewards the creators of that content.
Exxp – The WordPress App to link your blog to the Hive blockchain.
NomadTask – Earn for completing online tasks like following accounts or completing reviews.
MINT Club – Create your own Smart Media Tokens with no coding required.
GALA Games – Gala is creating a whole platform of blockchain games. Definitely excited about Mirandus, Townstar and SpiderTanks.
MCO – Use my referral link https://crypto.com/app/9h9jnlxun9 to sign up for Crypto.com and we both get $25 USD.
Aptera – Get 30% off the reserve price for this incredible electric vehicle. (My post)